What You Do Before Pregnancy Has A Lifetime Impact On Your Child

Learn how to promote a healthy conception, pregnancy, & birth

Enroll in PreBaby Bootcamp Today

Hi! I’m Dr. Michelle Stanton, your guide to the preconception journey.

I became fascinated with preconception planning early in my career. The more I learned, the more I was shocked that this wasn't something every future mom was doing! That is when I began doing my own research and realized there are so many impactful things a future mom (and dad) can be doing to benefit their future children.

I do this research and work with families for 2 main reasons:

  1. I want better for our world, and I believe that begins with healthy pregnancies and babies.
  2. I want families to have a chance at the incredible joy my husband and I have had in creating our wonderful family.


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4+ hours

of content

8 modules

of critical relevance

A lifetime

impact on your family


Learn how you can plan for a healthy conception & pregnancy today!

Wherever you are in your journey, the unprecedented approach to preconception planning as it is presented in this course is a perfect and necessary first step! Learn how you can do your part to encourage a healthy and effective conception, pregnancy, and ultimately a happy and healthy baby!

Step-by-step Program

Over 4 hours of video content, self-assessment worksheets, supplement & lab work guidance, and bonus content!

Research Backed

Get Dr. Michelle's clinical experience combined with up-to-date scientific research in one program - by far the most comprehensive program available!


Prebaby Bootcamp

 Drainage & Detox

Your liver & detox pathways are at the center of hormone health, immune function & overall well-being. Learn how to support healthy function of these systems and eliminate disruptors.

Digestion & Absorption

Before you focus on what to nourish your body (and future baby) with, ensure you are able to effectively utilize those nutrients through healthy digestion and absorption.

The Thyroid

This organ is critical to your energy, cycle regulation, conception & maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Learn what can support (and how to avoid disruptors of) healthy thyroid function.  

Preconception Nutrition

Nutrients give signals to our bodies, telling it what to do and how to operate. Learn which foods & nutrients are particularly effective before conception even occurs to optimize the entire preconception journey.

Blood Sugar

Regulating blood glucose levels is a preliminary step in managing health issues, including impaired liver health and disrupted hormones. Optimal blood sugar regulation is an imperative step along the way to healthy conception, pregnancy, and a newborn's start to life.


We live in a toxic world. Therefore, we must avoid what we can, and support the body in eliminating what can't be avoided. Total toxic burden can impact a future pregnancy and baby, so beginning this process before conception makes an incredible impact. 


An obvious player within the preconception journey, hormones must be evaluated, understood, & supported appropriately for what an individual is experiencing.


Mitochondria produce hormones & are regulated by them. Their healthy function are vital, not only to conception, but in completing the process of healthy baby development. 

Bonus Content

Additional content on Birth Control, Mold, Parasites, and Functional Lab Testing - how these affect the preconception journey, and what to do about them!



Supplements For Healthy Pregnancy

Get access to clinically effective, physician-grade supplement formulas Dr. Michelle uses for herself and her patients.

(Please note: you will be redirected to the e-store for Dr. Michelle's practice, Prairie Sage.)

Visit Dr. Michelle's Supplement Store


Preconception Courses FAQ

We get you have questions - here are answers to the most frequent ones we get.

If you have more, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Yes! The ideal time to start planning your conception is months, if not years, before you want to conceive. The earlier you start, the more time you’ll have to implement what is discussed in the course.

Course access is unlimited. Enjoy at your own, and go back to review as much as you need!

We ask that you respect the content and creative process involved in creating this course. Please do not share the content or your login information with anyone. We will be happy to give preview access to any interested parties you may know.

While this course doesn't exclusively address infertility, everything that is discussed can and should be applied to a couple experiencing fertility issues. Often times, one or more of the topics discussed within the course is overlooked in a traditional infertility counseling setting.

The most likely reason is that traditional western medicine and health care is reactionary in nature. Meaning, rather than prepare a woman or couple long before conception, intervention steps are only taken once there is an observed issue, such as trouble conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to full-term.

By being pro-active, many couples can avoid these heartbreaking troubles to begin with.

Every plan is different and you should contact your financial institution. Keep in mind, the amount of the course is a tiny fraction of the cost many families pay after encountering potentially avoidable issues with fertility and pregnancy.

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Imagine the impact on families if, long before they conceive, moms and dads started out their journey being intentional about their health and avoidable risk factors.

Why begin the journey with Dr. Michelle?

Preconception Planning has been Dr. Michelle’s primary area of research for her entire career.

Having done countless hours of continuing education & research, she applies her extensive knowledge to educating patients & creating health care plans centered around her Preconception Planning philosophy - that small steps now make BIG impacts for the future.


A doctor that understands

You not only want a baby, but you want to do the best you can for your baby and their healthy future.

Real-life experience

Dr. Michelle works with real women and families to help them achieve their health goals to support longevity, as well as their future children’s. It starts with the health of mom & dad before conception!

A woman with heart

Dr. Michelle has children of her own, and went through the the journey of preconception planning herself. She shares her research & insights with others to promote the same opportunity at the incredible joy she and her husband have had in raising their wonderful family.

Ready to get started?

Begin your journey to a healthy conception, pregnancy, and baby today!

Enroll in Prebaby Bootcamp